
Our Number One Priority is your satisfaction, so if you have any reason to be less than 100% happy with your order and the service you receive, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at We're always happy to help if something has gone wrong and will do our best to resolve any problems that may occur. We work extremely hard to ensure you get the items you need, as quickly as possible but we are human and, occasionally something may go wrong. Please be kind to us and let us know how we can help - if we aren't aware of the problem we can't resolve it for you.

In the event that we aren't able to resolve things any other way, our Returns Policy is for you (the customer) to return the item to our registered business address within 30 days of receipt. If the item is not as described on our Website, we will cover the cost of return postage. The customer is responsible for the postage cost of all other returns. Your statutory rights are unaffected by this. We may ask for photographic or other documentary evidence to support any claims made.